Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Hunt and the Bunny

For the last few years, we've been attending the outdoor Easter Egg Hunt at the Fintess Center by our house.  It's free, and Hayley seems to like it, and it seemed to work out well.  This year, it was mostly just frustrating.  First off, they separate the kids by age, which is fine, but meant we had to split up.  I went to the younger field with Jackson, and Jer went with Hayley.  As people kept arriving, I realized that there were a lot more people at the hunt than there has been in previous years. " No problem," I thought, "this little kid field will still be pretty chill."  Yeah, not so much.  Despite multiple announcements for parents not to gather candy, but let the little kids do it, it was like a mob scene on the field.  I was actually following the rules, having my kid pick up the candy for himself.  He ended up with about four eggs.  Other kids had an entire basket of eggs and candy.  Honestly, that's not what makes me mad.  I mean, of course some kids will get more than others.  What makes me mad is that I know that most of those baskets were filled by parents.  So, #1 What exactly are you trying to teach your kid by ignoring the rules, and #2 Really, what 1-3 year old needs that much candy??

This kid was happy as can be with his four eggs.   

 Realizing Jackson's hunt was over, after, oh, two minutes, we headed over to look for Hayley and Jer.  Apparently it was even worse on their field, leading to a few more eggs and some candy for Hayley, but her being knocked to the ground by other kids in the process.  When I asked Jeremy if he took any pictures, he told me he was busy enough just trying to get her out of there alive.  I'm not sure exactly how much of that was actually an exageration.  I did take a picture and her loot when we got home.

At least I had the Bunny Breakfast to cheer me up.  Including this little boy who went right over to the bunny, and held his hands up like, "Okay, lift me up.  Let's do this!"  And even a smile for the camera!  I know, it's like a miracle, right?

Maybe Santa has a chance after all this coming Christmas. :)
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